Presenting Our Requests to God: Trusting in His Provision

Prayer is a profound and intimate conversation with God, where we lay our burdens, hopes, and desires before Him. The Bible encourages us to present all our requests to God, trusting in His provision and timing. This act of faith not only brings peace but also aligns our hearts with His divine will. Today’s Scriptures […]

The Power of United Prayer: Strength in Numbers

In our journey of faith, the practice of prayer stands as a pillar of spiritual strength and connection with God. When believers come together to pray, the power of their united faith and voices can move mountains and bring about divine intervention in extraordinary ways. The early church understood this well, as demonstrated in the […]

The Holy Spirit and the Gift of Salvation

Salvation is the greatest gift we can receive, and it is through the Holy Spirit that this gift is revealed and made known to us. When we yield to the Holy Spirit, He leads us into a relationship with Jesus Christ, securing our eternal destiny. Today’s Scripture “While Peter thought about the vision, the Spirit […]

The Encouraging Presence of the Holy Spirit

Life’s storms can be overwhelming, leaving us feeling lost and hopeless. However, the Holy Spirit provides encouragement, renewing our strength and hope. When we yield to the Holy Spirit, He becomes our source of comfort and assurance, guiding us through even the most tumultuous times. Today’s Scripture “For there stood by me this night an […]

Experiencing Deliverance through the Holy Spirit

Life can sometimes feel like a prison, with various challenges and struggles holding us captive. However, the Holy Spirit brings deliverance, breaking every chain and setting us free. When we yield to the Holy Spirit, we experience the true freedom that comes from God. Today’s Scripture “Now behold, an angel of the Lord stood by […]

Unleashing Boldness through the Holy Spirit

Boldness is a hallmark of those who are filled with the Holy Spirit. It empowers us to speak and act with confidence, even in the face of opposition. When we yield to the Holy Spirit, He infuses us with a courage that transcends our natural fears and limitations. Today’s Scripture “And when they had prayed, […]

Navigating Life with the Holy Spirit as Your Compass

Imagine you’re on a journey, navigating through the complexities of life. Having a reliable guide makes all the difference. When we yield to the Holy Spirit, He becomes our compass, directing our paths and ensuring we avoid the pitfalls and dangers that can lead to a shipwreck. Anchor Scripture “Now an angel of the Lord […]

The Blessings of Obedience: Embracing God’s Rewards

Obedience to God is not just a duty; it is a pathway to receiving His abundant blessings. When we choose to follow His commands and live according to His will, we position ourselves to experience His rewards. These rewards may manifest in various forms, from inner peace and joy to tangible blessings in our lives. […]

Equipped for Righteousness: Resisting Sinful and Immoral Behavior

God, in His infinite wisdom and grace, has provided us with everything we need to live righteous and moral lives. We are not left to struggle on our own; instead, we are equipped with the tools and resources to resist sinful and immoral behavior. By embracing these divine provisions, we can lead lives that honor […]

Seeking Heavenly Treasures: Setting Your Heart on Godly Pursuits

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to become consumed with the pursuit of material wealth and earthly success. Yet, true fulfillment and peace come from setting our hearts on godly treasures. By focusing on heavenly pursuits, we align ourselves with God’s will and experience the profound joy and purpose that He offers. Today’s Scriptures: “If […]

God Bless You!

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Pastor A. Babalola
Pastor A. Babalola

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Deacon O. Adetoba
Deacon O. Adetoba

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Evang. B. Babalola
Evang. B. Babalola

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Deacon A. Adegoke
Deacon A. Adegoke

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Brother Y. Adebayo
Brother Y. Adebayo

I am available. Let's pray!

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Brother O. Oladimeji
Brother O. Oladimeji

I am available. Let's pray!

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Brother O. Ibojo
Brother O. Ibojo

I am available. Let's pray!

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Brother B. Shomoye
Brother B. Shomoye

I am available. Let's pray!

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