Uncovering Hidden Pride: Lessons from the Disciples
Pride is often easy to recognize in others but much harder to see within ourselves. Even the closest followers of Jesus, His disciples, struggled with hidden pride. In Luke 9:46-48, we witness a moment where the disciples argue over who among them would be the greatest, revealing their inner pride. Jesus gently rebukes them, teaching […]
Pride: The Barrier to Serving Others
One of the greatest teachings of Jesus is the importance of serving others. However, pride can stand in the way of this calling. It convinces us that we are above certain tasks or that our needs should come first. In Philippians 2:3-4, Paul encourages believers to set aside their selfish ambitions and consider the needs […]
The Cost of Betrayal: Learning from Judas’ Choice
Betrayal is one of the deepest wounds a person can experience. Judas, one of Jesus’ twelve disciples, made a decision that changed the course of history. For thirty pieces of silver, he sold his relationship with the Savior. This tragic story reminds us of the devastating consequences of betrayal and the dangers of placing material […]
The Danger of Pride: Learning from the Pharisees’ Condemnation
Pride often blinds us to the grace of God and leads us down a path where we judge others while ignoring our own shortcomings. In Luke 7:36-39, we find a compelling story of a sinful woman condemned by the Pharisees. Their pride placed them in a position of judgment rather than mercy, illustrating the destructive […]
The Trap of Vanity and Self-Glorification
Pride has many faces, but one of its most dangerous forms is vanity—when we place too much value on our outward appearance, achievements, or status. It deceives us into thinking that our beauty, success, or possessions make us greater than others, leading to self-glorification and the corruption of wisdom. Today’s message serves as a warning […]
Embracing Humility in Relationships
Pride often stands as a barrier to genuine connection and harmony within our communities. It creates divisions, elevating some while looking down on others. God’s Word calls us to live in harmony with one another, setting aside pride and embracing humility, especially with those society deems of lower status. Today’s message encourages us to reflect […]
The Hidden Dangers of Slander and Arrogance
Pride doesn’t just affect how we view ourselves—it seeps into our relationships with others. It often manifests through slander, gossip, and the belief that we are superior to those around us. Pride-filled eyes and a haughty heart create division and strife in our communities. Today’s message speaks to the hidden dangers of pride, especially when […]
The Consequences of a Proud Heart
Pride is not just an inward attitude—it is a condition of the heart that God deeply opposes. It disconnects us from His grace and leads us toward actions that separate us from His love. The proud heart is like an unplowed field, producing nothing but sin and chaos. In today’s message, we explore the consequences […]
The Dangers of Ignoring God
Pride is more than just an attitude; it’s a state of heart that can push us away from God. When pride grows, it deceives us into thinking we can manage life on our own, without seeking God’s guidance. This self-reliance becomes dangerous, as it gradually eliminates the space for God in our lives. Today’s message […]
The Hidden Roots of Pride: Identifying Its Causes
Pride can subtly weave its way into our lives, often unnoticed until it creates division and disrupts relationships. It’s a dangerous path that pulls us away from humility, the virtue that opens the door to wisdom. Today’s message is a reminder to remain vigilant, for where pride flourishes, so does strife. However, wisdom is within […]