Today’s Scripture
“My times are in Your hand; deliver me from the hand of my enemies, and from those who persecute me.” – Psalm 31:15 (NKJV)
Introduction: Trusting the Author of Time
In moments of waiting or uncertainty, it’s easy to let doubts creep into our hearts. Psalm 31:15 reminds us that our times are securely held in God’s hands, but the enemy often whispers lies that tempt us to doubt His perfect timing. These lies can derail our faith and disrupt our peace. Let’s uncover five common lies about God’s timing and replace them with the truth of His Word.
Lie 1: “God Is Late”
The Truth: God Is Never Late, Nor Early
It’s tempting to think God is running behind when answers seem delayed. However, His timing is always perfect. Lamentations 3:25-26 assures us, “The Lord is good to those who wait for Him.”
- Example: Lazarus’ story (John 11) illustrates this truth. While Mary and Martha thought Jesus was too late, His timing revealed a greater miracle: the resurrection of their brother.
- Action Step: Trust that God’s delays are often His way of preparing something better than you can imagine.
Lie 2: “God Has Forgotten Me”
The Truth: God Is Always Mindful of You
In seasons of silence, it’s easy to feel forgotten. Yet, Isaiah 49:15-16 declares that God has engraved us on the palms of His hands, ensuring we are never out of His care.
- Example: Joseph spent years in prison, seemingly forgotten. Yet, God’s hand was preparing him for a position of great influence (Genesis 41:39-41).
- Action Step: Reflect on past moments when God showed His faithfulness and trust that He is still working behind the scenes.
Lie 3: “It’s Too Late for Me”
The Truth: God Can Restore Lost Time
Age, missed opportunities, or past mistakes often lead us to believe it’s too late to fulfill God’s plan. But Joel 2:25 promises, “I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten.”
- Example: Abraham and Sarah’s story reminds us that it’s never too late for God to fulfill His promises. At an advanced age, they received the blessing of Isaac (Genesis 21:1-2).
- Action Step: Shift your focus from what’s been lost to what God can still do, trusting His ability to redeem time.
Lie 4: “God’s Timing Is Unfair”
The Truth: God’s Timing Is Just and Good
It’s natural to feel frustrated when others seem to receive blessings while you’re still waiting. But Psalm 145:17 declares, “The Lord is righteous in all His ways, gracious in all His works.”
- Example: The parable of the workers in the vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16) shows that God’s timing and generosity are uniquely tailored to each individual.
- Action Step: Celebrate others’ blessings and trust that God’s plan for you is equally good and purposeful.
Lie 5: “I Need to Take Control”
The Truth: Surrender Brings Peace
When waiting feels unbearable, we often try to take matters into our own hands. Yet, Proverbs 3:5-6 calls us to trust in the Lord and lean not on our understanding.
- Example: Saul’s impatience in offering a sacrifice (1 Samuel 13:8-14) led to disobedience and consequences. In contrast, David consistently sought God’s guidance, trusting His timing.
- Action Step: Practice surrender by praying daily for God’s wisdom and resisting the urge to act prematurely.
The Beauty of Trusting God’s Timing
When we let go of these lies, we make room for faith and peace to flourish. Psalm 31:15 reminds us that our times—every moment, every decision, every season—are in God’s capable hands. His timing is a reflection of His love, wisdom, and ultimate plan for our good.
- Reassurance in Waiting: Trusting God’s timing allows us to embrace life’s uncertainties with confidence.
- Freedom in Surrender: Letting go of control and trusting His plan brings freedom from stress and anxiety.
Conclusion: Embrace the Truth of His Timing
The lies we believe about God’s timing are distractions meant to steal our peace and trust. Instead, hold fast to the truth that God is never late, never forgets, and always works for your good. Psalm 31:15 is a declaration of faith: your times are not random—they are safely held in the hands of the One who loves you. Choose trust over doubt, and let His perfect timing unfold in your life.
Lord Jesus, thank You for holding our times in Your hands. Help us to reject the lies that cause us to doubt Your timing and replace them with the truth of Your Word. Teach us to wait with trust and surrender, knowing that Your plans are always good. Strengthen our faith and guide us each step of the way. Amen.