Seeing God’s Love in Life’s Small Details

In life, we often search for signs of God’s love in big events or significant milestones. However, Jesus invites us to look at the small things—the birds, the flowers, the everyday wonders—as reminders of God’s constant care. Through these simple, everyday blessings, we catch a glimpse of the depth of His love for us. In […]

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Deacon O. Adetoba
Deacon O. Adetoba

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Evang. B. Babalola
Evang. B. Babalola

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Deacon A. Adegoke
Deacon A. Adegoke

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Brother Y. Adebayo
Brother Y. Adebayo

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Brother O. Oladimeji
Brother O. Oladimeji

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Brother O. Ibojo
Brother O. Ibojo

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Brother B. Shomoye
Brother B. Shomoye

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