Avoid Losing Your Inheritance by Neglecting God’s Word

As children of God, our identity and strength are rooted in His Word. The Bible is more than a guide; it’s a treasure chest of wisdom, correction, encouragement, and life-giving truth. When we distance ourselves from His Word, we risk losing the clarity of our sonship, drifting from the foundation that defines who we are […]

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Pastor A. Babalola
Pastor A. Babalola

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Deacon O. Adetoba
Deacon O. Adetoba

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Evang. B. Babalola
Evang. B. Babalola

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Deacon A. Adegoke
Deacon A. Adegoke

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Brother Y. Adebayo
Brother Y. Adebayo

I am available. Let's pray!

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Brother O. Oladimeji
Brother O. Oladimeji

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Brother O. Ibojo
Brother O. Ibojo

I am available. Let's pray!

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Brother B. Shomoye
Brother B. Shomoye

I am available. Let's pray!

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