Honorable Service: Presenting Ourselves as a Living Sacrifice

In the walk of faith, how we present ourselves in our service to God holds profound significance. Romans 12:1 urges us, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” This scripture vividly […]

God Bless You!

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Pastor A. Babalola
Pastor A. Babalola

I am available. Let's pray!

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Deacon O. Adetoba
Deacon O. Adetoba

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Evang. B. Babalola
Evang. B. Babalola

I am available. Let's pray!

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Deacon A. Adegoke
Deacon A. Adegoke

I am available. Let's pray!

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Brother Y. Adebayo
Brother Y. Adebayo

I am available. Let's pray!

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Brother O. Oladimeji
Brother O. Oladimeji

I am available. Let's pray!

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Brother O. Ibojo
Brother O. Ibojo

I am available. Let's pray!

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Brother B. Shomoye
Brother B. Shomoye

I am available. Let's pray!

I am currently unavailable.

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